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ネクロマンサースキル Oskill/Charge/CtC アイテム:Necromancer Skill Mods On Items

他のクラスへのリンク:Links for Other Classes
Amazon / Assassin / Barbarian / Druid / Paladin / Sorceress

「When You Die」と「When You Level Up」で発動するスキルについては除いてあります
"CtC When You Die" and "CtC When You Level Up" mods are omitted.

Summoning Spells

スキル解説はこちらSummoning Spells
Skill explanations are above-mentioned.

Skeleton Mastery

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Cactus Petal Necromancer's Stone Ring +3 Nec Only 45
Vorador's Essence Necromancer's Stone Ring +3 Nec Only 60
Necromancer's Essense Blood Spirt Druid Pelt +1 Dru Only 45
Ancient Kaa's Soul Mummified Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +1-3 Nec Only 30
Dracula's Wit Bloodlord Skull Necromancer Shrunkenhead +2-4 Nec Only 70
Bloodraven's Arch Shade Bow Bow +3 74
Necromonic Tool Yew Wand Wand +2-4 Nec Only 14
Arm of the Skeleton Sacred Wand Wand +7-9 Nec Only 73
+16-18 Other Classes
RW Hades
2 Socket Helms/Charms +1-3 Nec Only
RW Captive
3 Socket Body Armor +3
3 Socket Charms +2
RW Bone
2 Socket Daggers/Wands +5 Nec Only
RW Dread
4 Socket Shields +4-6 Nec Only
RW Pear
5 Socket Body Armor +16 Realm Only
LoD RW White
Dol Io
2 Socket Wand +4 Nec Only
Band of Death
Waves of Ascension Set
Ring Ring +5 2 Set Items Bonus 50
Lim-Dul's Oath
Lim-Dul's Legion Set
Sepulcher Boots Boot +5 Nec Only 60


名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Radament's Rotting Skull Unraveller Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead +4-8 Nec Only 16
Necromonic Tool Yew Wand Wand +2 Nec Only 14
Master of Puppets Wretched Scythe Necromancer Weapon +2-4 Nec Only 19
RW Captive
3 Socket Body Armor +4
3 Socket Charms +2
LoD RW Eternity
Amn Ber Ist Sol Sur
5 Socket Melee Weapons Lvl 8 (88 Charges)
LoD RW Harmony
Tir Ith Sol Ko
4 Socket Missile Weapons Lvl 20 (25 Charges)
Band of Death
Waves of Ascension Set
Ring Ring Lvl 20 (50 Charges) 50

Clay Golem

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
The Barricade Imperial Shield Shield +15 80
Golem Shell Guardian Helm Helm +3-6 65
Slave Warrior's Edge Gladiator Blade Sword +3-5 64
Secret of the Ooze Sepulcher Wand Wand +11-15 75
Master of Puppets Wretched Scythe Necromancer Weapon +2-4 Nec Only 19
LoD RW Stone
Shael Um Pul Lum
4 Socket Body Armor Lvl 16 (16 Charges)

Golem Mastery

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Vorador's Essence Necromancer's Stone Ring +3 Nec Only 60
Golem Shell Guardian Helm Helm +1 65
Hellforge's Finest Demon Fleece Body Armor +1 89
Spirits of the Dead Phase Boots Boots +2-3 Nec Only 79
The Barricade Imperial Shield Shield +3 80
Focus of Unlife Brawn Axe Axe +1 74
Magnium Balista Crossbow +1 41
Nine Lives Stealer Pole Gauche Polearm +1 74
Slave Warrior's Edge Gladiator Blade Sword +1 64
Secret of the Ooze Sepulcher Wand Wand +1 75
Lim-Dul's Oath
Lim-Dul's Legion Set
Sepulcher Boots Boot +5 Nec Only 60

Blood Golem

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Focus of Unlife Brawn Axe Axe +10-14 74
Nine Lives Stealer Pole Gauche Polearm +5-10 74
LoD RW Death
Hel El Vex Ort Gul
5 Socket Swords/Axes Lvl 22 (15 Charges)
Band of Death
Waves of Ascension Set
Ring Ring Lvl 24 (25 Charges) 50

Raise Skeleton

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Necromancer's Essense Blood Spirt Druid Pelt +3 Dru Only 45
Radament's Rotting Skull Unraveller Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead +1-2 Nec Only 16
Bloodraven's Arch Shade Bow Bow +6 74
Arm of the Skeleton Sacred Wand Wand +7-9 Nec Only 73
+16-18 Other Classes
Master of Puppets Wretched Scythe Necromancer Weapon +2-4 Nec Only 19
RW Bone
2 Socket Daggers/Wands +5 Nec Only

Metal Golem

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Golem Shell Guardian Helm Helm Lvl 15 (2 Charges) 65

Summon Resist

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Vorador's Essence Necromancer's Stone Ring +3 Nec Only 60
Dracula's Wit Bloodlord Skull Necromancer Shrunkenhead +4-6 Nec Only 70
RW Pear
5 Socket Body Armor +1 Realm Only

Fire Golem

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Hellforge's Finest Demon Fleece Body Armor +7 89
Magnium Balista Crossbow +7-12 41


名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
LoD RW Dragon
Sur Lo Sol
3 Socket Body Armor/Shields 12% CtC Lvl 15 On Striking

Raise Vampire

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Arm of the Skeleton Sacred Wand Wand +7-9 Nec Only 73
+16-18 Other Classes

Poison and Bone Spells

スキル解説はこちらPoison and Bone Spells
Skill explanations are above-mentioned.

Bone Armor

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Talisman of Ebisu Death's Locket Amulet +3 Nec Only 45
Daeveran's Stone Death's Locket Amulet +4 Nec Only 60
Holy Deviant Holy Pendant Amulet 20% CtC Lvl 10 When Struck Pal Only 60
Burial Mask of Marduuk Death Mask Helm 8% CtC Lvl 8 When Struck 41
Mail of the Shadows Ring Mail Body Armor 50% CtC Lvl 2 When Struck 14
Black Armor Serpentskin Armor Body Armor +2-6 Nec Only 29
Necromancer's Essense Blood Spirt Druid Pelt 20% CtC Lvl 9 When Struck Dru Only 45
Splitskull Shield Minion Skull Necromancer Shrunkenhead +2-4 Nec Only 45
Soul Reaver Shadow Scythe Polearm 50% CtC Lvl 5 When Struck 61
Azimuth's Regard Glowing Orb Sorceress Weapon +2-5 30
RW Dark Star
6 Socket Body Armor +5
RW Bone
2 Socket Daggers/Wands +5 Nec Only
LoD RW White
Dol Io
2 Socket Wand +3 Nec Only
LoD RW Bone
Sol Um Um
3 Socket Body Armor 15% CtC lvl 10When Struck
GW Germany
Perf.Obsidian Perf.Ruby Perf.Topaz
3 Socket Helms +10
Nupraptor's Eradicator
Nupraptor's Keep Set
Sacrificial Dagger Necromancer Weapon +15 Nec Only
2 Set Items Bonus
Reaver of the Angel of Annihilation
Ordnance of the Dark Brotherhood Set
Soul Destroyer Necromancer Weapon 50% CtC Lvl 14 When Struck Nec Only 70

Poison Slash


Poison Explosion

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Radament's Rotting Skull Unraveller Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead +2-4 Nec Only 16
Secret of the Ooze Sepulcher Wand Wand +14-16 75
LoD RW Venom
Tal Dol Mal
3 Socket Weapons Lvl 15 (27 Charges)
Lim-Dul's Hex
Lim-Dul's Legion Set
Grave Wand Wand 25% CtC Lvl 10 When You Kill An Enemy 3 Set Items Bonus 60
Jade Crest
Jade Accoutrement Set
Sorcerer's Band Ring 10% CtC Lvl 14 When You Kill An Enemy 3 Set Items Bonus 60
Jade Accoutrement Set +20 2 Set Items Bonus 60

Bone Wall

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Yagul's Wrath Druid's Seal Ring 2% CtC Lvl 50 When You Kill An Enemy Dru Only 75
Johan's Picket Lissom Spear Javelin +8-12 60
Bone Reaver Demonic Scythe Necromancer Weapon +3 Nec Only 61
RW Bone
2 Socket Daggers/Wands +5 Nec Only
GW Austria
Perf.Ruby Perf.Diamond Perf.Ruby
3 Socket Helms Lvl 16 (40 Charges)

Frozen Spear

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Boots of the Serpent Viper Boots Boot 10% CtC Lvl 22 On Striking 72
Red Death's Madness Fetish Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +3-5 Nec Only 34

Corpse Explosion

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Homunculus Heirophant Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +2-4 Nec Only 42
Shenk's Mask Overseer Skull Necromancer Shrunkenhead +1-3 Nec Only 61
Karaniis' Bow of Incandesence Spiderwoven Bow Bow 7% CtC Lvl 4 On Striking 73
Darth Maul Thorned Club Mace 8% CtC Lvl 4 On Striking 68
Almraizer Guardian Polearm +1 70
Doom's Apprentice Hand Scythe Assassin Weapon 15% CtC Lvl 10 On Striking Assa Only 35
RW Abolish
3 Socket Maces/Hammers/Clubs 33% CtC Lvl 1 When You Kill An Enemy
RW Black
3 Socket Maces/Hammers/Clubs +4
LoD RW Black
Thul Io Nef
3 Socket Clubs/Hammers/Maces Lvl 4 (12 Charges)
GW ArchDimeron
Perf.Diamond Perf.Skull Perf.Obsidian Perf.Obsidian
4 Socket Helms Lvl 10 (40 Charges)
Lim-Dul's Hex
Lim-Dul's Legion Set
Grave Wand Wand 25% CtC Lvl 10 When You Kill An Enemy 3 Set Items Bonus 60

Bone Prison

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Bone Reaver Demonic Scythe Necromancer Weapon +3 Nec Only 61
RW Fortress
4 Socket Shields 12% CtC Lvl 9 When Struck
RW Captive
3 Socket Body Armor +5
3 Socket Charms +3

Killer Scythe

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Black Gypsum Rock Buster Knuckle +16 46
Defense of Atlantis Grapnel Spear +3-6 72
RW Maniac
5 Socket 2H Weapons +5-8 Realm Only
Messerschmidt's Rule Set +1 Full Set Bonus 16

Bone Spirit

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Holy Deviant Holy Pendant Amulet 20% CtC Lvl 9 On Attack Pal Only 60
Hellrust Demon Carapace Body Armor 30% CtC Lvl 16 On Attack 73
Shroud of Azalin Shadow Cloak Robe +8 Nec Only 41
+10 Other Classes
Necromancer's Essense Blood Spirt Druid Pelt 20% CtC Lvl 10 On Attack Dru Only 45
Rusalka's Femur Petrified Wand Wand +6 35
RW Gloom
4 Socket Polearms/Spears/Blunt Weapons 8% CtC Lvl 6 On Attack
RW Bone
2 Socket Daggers/Wands +5 Nec Only
RW Change
6 Socket Weapons 10% CtC Lvl 30 On Attack
LoD RW Oath
Shael Pul Mal Lum
4 Socket Swords/Axes/Maces 30% CtC Lvl 20 On Striking
Band of Death
Waves of Ascension Set
Ring Ring 10% CtC Lvl 15 On Striking 50
Alora's Silent Assault
Alora's Shadow Set
Hand Scythe Assassin Weapon 5% CtC Lvl 24 On Striking Assa Only
2 Set Items Bonus
Darkshade's Skewer
Darkshade's Ruin Set
Jagged Star Mace 10% CtC Lvl 11 On Attack 4 Set Items Bonus 55
The Lich's Clutch
The Lich's Form Set
Heavy Bracers Glove 10% CtC Lvl 10 On Attack 3 Set Items Bonus 45
Nupraptor's Servant
Nupraptor's Keep Set
Heirophant Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead 10% CtC Lvl 20 When Struck 2 Set Items Bonus 55

Hell's Gate

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Mail of the Shadows Ring Mail Body Armor 7% CtC Lvl 1 On Attack 14
Hellrust Demon Carapace Body Armor 30% CtC Lvl 16 When Struck 73
Phase Visor Savage Helm Barbarian Helm 9% CtC Lvl 20 On Striking Bar Only 36
Red Death's Madness Fetish Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +3-5 Nec Only 34
Heaven's Gate Kurast Shield Paladin Shield 40% CtC Lvl 15 When Struck Pal Only 59
Focus of Unlife Brawn Axe Axe 10% CtC Lvl 16 On Striking 74
Johan's Picket Lissom Spear Javelin 20% CtC Lvl 18 When Struck 60
Soul Reaver Shadow Scythe Polearm 33% CtC Lvl 12 On Striking 61
RW Maniac
5 Socket 2H Weapons 8% CtC Lvl 20 On Striking Realm Only

Poison Nova

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
The Mad Celt's Shining Sparkly Barbaric Hoop Ring 2% CtC Lvl 50 When You Kill An Enemy Bar Only 75
Jade's Locket Sorcerer's Talisman Amulet 5% CtC Lvl 24 When Struck 60
Bohemian Stone Jewel Jewel 10% CtC Lvl 14 On Striking 40
Rathma's Protector Studded Leather Body Armor 20% CtC Lvl 5 When Struck 16
Cottonmouth Jacket Viper Skin Body Armor 40% CtC Lvl 18 When Struck 72
Gloves of Nor Tiraj Sharkskin Gloves Glove 10% CtC Lvl 10 On Attack 32
Strap of Cythys Mesh Belt Belt 30% CtC Lvl 10 When Struck 36
Phase Visor Savage Helm Barbarian Helm 9% CtC Lvl 20 On Striking Bar Only 36
Andariel's Face Demon Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead 25% CtC Lvl 5 When Struck Nec Only 22
Raka's Folly Great Axe Axe 25% CtC Lvl 5 When Struck 25
Anguirel Blade Sword 40% CtC Lvl 6 When Struck 25
Black Death Dacian Falx Sword 30% CtC Lvl 9 When Struck 43
The Assassin's Stiletto Throwing Dagger Throwing Weapon 33% CtC Lvl 13 When Struck 48
Secret of the Ooze Sepulcher Wand Wand +12-14 75
Threaded Spines Blade Talons Assassin Weapon 15% CtC Lvl 4 When Struck Assa Only 19
RW Gloom
4 Socket Polearms/Spears
/Blunt Weapons
10% CtC Lvl 8 When Struck
RW Radioactive
4 Socket Weapons 10% CtC Lvl 10 On Striking
RW Stomach Ache
4 Socket Body Armor +7
RW Dance
2 Socket Gloves/Belts/Boots 7% CtC Lvl 13 When Struck
RW Change
6 Socket Weapons 10% CtC Lvl 35 On Attack
RW Maniac
5 Socket 2H Weapons 8% CtC Lvl 20 On Striking Realm Only
LoD RW Venom
Tal Dol Mal
3 Socket Weapons Lvl 13 (11 Charges)
LoD RW Breath of the Dying
Vex Hel El Eld Zod Eth
6 Socket Weapons 50% CtC Lvl 20 When You Kill An Enemy
GW Poisonous
Emeralds of any same grade
1-6 Socket Weapons/1-2 Socket Gloves
1 Socket Arrows/1 Socket Bolts
2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12 On Striking Chance and Level depends on the # and the grade of Gems
1-6 Socket Body Armor/1-4 Scoket Shields
1-2 Socket Belts
2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12 When Struck
1-4 Socket Helms/1-3 Socket Charms
1-2 Socket Boots
2-14% CtC Lvl 1-10 When Struck
GW Rainbow
Perf.Emerald Perf.Ruby Perf.Sapphire Perf.Topaz
4 Socket Weapons/Bows 3% CtC Lvl 12 On Striking
4 Socket Body Armor/Shields
4 Socket Helms
3% CtC Lvl 12 When Struck
Alora's Silhouette
Alora's Shadow Set
Tigulated Mail Body Armor 10% CtV Lvl 16 When Struck 2 Set Items Bonus 45
Darkshade's Ruin Set 10% CtC Lvl 24 When Struck Full Set Bonus 55
Rathol's Touch
Rathol's Disease Set
Wretched Scythe Necromancer Weapon 10% CtC Lvl 6 On Attack 16
Rathol's Disease Set 10% CtC Lvl 6 When Struck Full Set Bonus 16
The Lich's Curse
The Lich's Form Set
Petrified Wand Wand 75% CtD Lvl 25 On Striking 2 Set Items Bonus 45
Jade Star
Jade Accoutrement Set
Socererer's Talisman Amulet 10% CtC Lvl 16 When Struck 3 Set Items Bonus 60
Jade Accoutrement Set +20 3 Set Items Bonus 60

Bone Wave

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Shroud of Azalin Shadow Cloak Robe +8 Nec Only 41
+10 Other Classes
Threaded Spines Blade Talons Assassin Weapon 7% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 19
Bone Reaver Demonic Scythe Necromancer Weapon 5% CtC Lvl 12 On Striking Nec Only 61
Waves of Ascension Set 3% CtC Lvl 20 When You Kill An Enemy Full Set Bonus 50
Darkshade's Spined Sheath
Darkshade's Ruin Set
Ornate Armor Body Armor 7% CtC Lvl 10 When Struck 55
Wrathamon's Omens Set 12% CtC Lvl 8 On Attack Full Set Bonus 30
The Lich's Curse
The Lich's Form Set
Petrified Wand Wand 15% CtC Lvl 25 On Attack 4 Set Items Bonus 45


Skill explanations are above-mentioned.

Amplify Damage

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Leoric's Plate Royal Armor Body Armor 5% CtC Lvl 8 On Striking 82
Helm of the Dead King Jawbone Visor Barbarian Helm 7% CtC Lvl 6 On Striking 30
Necromancer's Essense Blood Sprit Druid Pelt 12% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 46
Wirt's Skull Preserved Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead +2-4 Nec Only 7
Corpsefire's Head Zombie Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead 50% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 10
+2 Nec Only
Raka's Folly Great Axe Axe +1 25
Fleshchew Tabar Axe 10% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 41
Olympus Hand Harpoon Javelin 15% CtC Lvl 2 On Striking 46
The Opilus Apprentice Ancient Shards Javelin Lvl 5 (75 Charges) 49
The Green Lantern Wand Wand +2-4 Nec Only 5
Casca's Deadly Bolts Bolts Quiver 5% CtC Lvl 3 On Striking 36
Oxhorn Ashwood Bow Amazon Weapon 4% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking Ama Only 29
Ghoul's Touch Katar Assassin Weapon 25% CtC Lvl 2 On Striking Assa Only 5
Doom's Apprentice Hand Scythe Assassin Weapon 10% CtC Lvl 9 On Striking Assa Only 35
RW Judgment
4 Socket Scepters/Blessed Edges 8% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking
RW Unlawful
3 Socket Scepters/Mana Blades 8% CtC Lvl 8 On Striking
3 Socket Wands/Staves/Orbs 8% CtC Lvl 9 On Striking
RW Fury
4 Socket Melee Weapons 8% CtC Lvl 6 On Striking
LoD RW Brand
Jah Lo Mal Gul
4 Socket Missile Weapons 35% CtC Lvl 14 When Struck
GW Mighty
Amethysts of any same grade
1-6 Socket Weapons/1-2 Socket Gloves
1 Socket Arrows/1 Socket Bolts
2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12 On Striking Chance and Lvl depends on the # and the grade of Gems
Band of War
Waves of Ascension Set
Amulet Amulet 7% CtC Lvl 7 On Striking 50
Messerschmidt's Reaver
Messerschmidt's Rule Set
Battle Axe Axe 10% CtC Lvl11 On Striking 16
Horns of Power
Merlin's Legacy Set
Hunter's Guise Druid Pelt +1 2 Set Items Bonus 45
Raistlin's Glance
Raistlin's Salvation Set
Tiara Circlet +1 3 Set Items Bonus 55
Cow King's Steels Set +1 3 Set Items Bonus 75


名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
The Hands of Atlas Viper Hands Glove 5% CtC Lvl 10 On Striking 73
Pitspawn's Gaze Gargoyle Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead 20% CtC Lvl 3 On Striking 19
RW Darkness
2 Socket Body Armor 8% CtC Lvl 3 When Struck
RW Maven
2 Socket Melee Weapons 6% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking
RW Gloom
4 Socket Polearms/Spears/Blunt Weapons 7% CtC Lvl 7 On Striking
LoD RW Smoke
Nef Lum
2 Socket Body Armor Lvl 6 (18 Charges)
GW Mighty
Amethysts of any same grade
1-6 Socket Body Armor/1-4 Scoket Shields
1-2 Scoket Belts
2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12
When Struck
Chance and Lvl depends on the # and the grade of Gems
1-4 Socket Helms/1-3 Socket Charms
1-2 Socket Boots
2-14% CtC Lvl 1-10
When Struck


名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Pitspawn's Gaze Gargoyle Head Necromancer Shrunkenhead 20% CtC Lvl 1 When Struck 19
Disturbing Visions Cantor Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +1-3 Nec Only 36
RW Terror
4 Socket Melee Weapons +4
LoD RW Delirium
Lem Ist Io
3 Socket Helms 14% CtC Lvl 13 When Struck
Griffith's Stare
Griffith's Cunning Set
Devil Mask Helm +1 60

Dim Vision

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Deadly Precision Assassin Crossbow Crossbow 3% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 75
LoD RW Gloom
Fal Um Pul
3 Socket Body Armor 15% CtC Lvl 3 When Struck
Tara's Mirror
Tara's Calling Set
Large Shield Shield 5% CtC Lvl 3 When Struck 3 Set Items Bonus 16


名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Demonspeed Demonhide Boots Boot 8% CtC Lvl 12 When Struck 29
Disturbing Visions Cantor Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +1-3 Nec Only 36
The Harp of Souls Double Bow Bow 5% CtC Lvl 4 On Striking 36
Hewson's Poleaxe Poleaxe Polearm 6% CtC Lvl 1 On Striking 25
RW Question
4 Socket Body Armor 7% CtC Lvl 6 On Striking
4 Socket Helms 5% CtC Lvl 4 On Striking
LoD RW Delirium
Lem Ist Io
3 Socket Helms 11% CtC Lvl 18 On Striking
LoD RW Dream
Io Jah Pul
3 SocketHelms/Shields 10% CtC Lvl 15 When Struck
Tasselhoff's Pouches
Tasselhoff's Traveling Gear Set
Merchant Belt Belt Lvl 6 (20 Charges) 70

Iron Maiden

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Plate of Spikes Gothic Plate Body Armor 25% CtC Lvl 5 When Struck 29
Spikes of the Rhyno Spiked Shoulder Body Armor +2 Nec Only 24
RW Revenge
6 Socket Weapons +1
LoD RW Rift
Hel Ko Lem Gul
4 Socket Polearms/Scepters Lvl 15 (40 Charges)
GW Deadly
Rubies of any same grade
1-6 Socket Weapons/1-2 Socket Gloves6br;1 Socket Arrows/1 Socket Bolts 2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12 On Striking Chance and Level depends on the # and the grade of Gems
1-6 Socket Body Armor/1-4 Scoket Shields
1-2 Scoket Belts
2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12
When Struck
1-4 Socket Helms/1-3 Socket Charms
1-2 Socket Boots
2-14% CtC Lvl 1-10
When Struck
GW Germany
Perf.Obsidian Perf.Ruby Perf.Topaz
3 Socket Helms Lvl 16 (40 Charges)
Lim-Dul's Hex
Lim-Dul's Legion Set
Grave Wand Wand +2 Nec Only
2 Set Items Bonus
Shepherd's Delight Set +3 Full Set Bonus 60


名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Disturbing Visions Cantor Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +1-3 Nec Only 36
The Will of Hatred Bec-de-Corbin Polearm 15% CtC Lvl 10 On Striking 44
Quill Giant's Spine Wrist Spike Assassin Weapon 5% CtC Lvl 3 On Striking Assa Only 29
LoD RW Delirium
Lem Ist Io
3 Socket Helms Lvl 17 (60 Charges)
Ihsan's Clutch
Ihsan's Shade Set
War Gauntlets Glove 10% CtC Lvl 1 On Striking 60


名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Homunculus Heirophant Trophy Necromancer Shrunkenhead +2-4 Nec Only 42
Enigma Ancient Bow Bow 5% CtC Lvl 11 On Striking 81
Famine Fang Knife Dagger 12% CtC Lvl 25 On Striking 65
Ensnare Quhab Assassin Weapon 30% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking Assa Only 32
RW Sorrow
4 Socket Body Armor
4 Socket Polearms
8% CtC Lvl 7 On Striking
RW Demon
5 Socket Katanas (2H only) 8% CtC Lvl 13 On Striking
LoD RW Lawbringer
Amn Lem Ko
3 Socket Swords/Hammers/Scepters 20% CtC Lvl 15 On Striking
LoD RW Wrath
Pul Lum Ber Mal
4 Socket Missile Weapons 30% CtC Lvl 1 On Striking
GW Ancient
Skulls of any same grade
1-6 Socket Body Armor/1-4 Scoket Shields&bbr;1-2 Scoket Belts 2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12 When Struck Chance and Level depends on the # and the grade of Gems
1-4 Socket Helms/1-3 Socket Charms
1-2 Socket Boots
2-14% CtC Lvl 1-10 When Struck
Band of Famine
Waves of Ascension Set
Mesh Belt Belt 5% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 50

Life Tap

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Sparhawk's Spirit Spirit Crown Helm 20% CtC Lvl 1 On Striking 43
The Heel of Blood Titan Boots Boot 7% CtC Lvl 11 On Striking 74
Axe of Souls War Axe Axe 5% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 27
Thorgrim's Saviour Duo-Axe Axe 8% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking 71
Blood Splinter Barbed Club Mace 8% CtC Lvl 7 On Striking 38
Reaver of Darkness Battle Scythe Polearm 20% CtC Lvl 20 On Striking 42
Nine Lives Stealer Pole Gauche Polearm 9% CtC Lvl 9 On Striking 74
RW Red
3 Socket Weapons 6% CtC Lvl 8 On Striking
RW Hunger
4 Socket Swords/Spears/Axes 7% CtC Lvl 8 On Striking
LoD RW Exile
Vex Ohm Ist Dol
4 Socket Paladin Shields (only) 15% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking Pal Only
LoD RW Last Wish
Jah Mal Jah Sur Jah Ber
6 Socket Swords/Hammers/Axes 10% CtC Lvl 18 On Striking
LoD RW Wrath
Pul Lum Ber Mal
4 Socket Missile Weapons 5% CtC Lvl 10 On Striking

Lower Resist

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Killashandra Ree's Black Crystal Sorcerer's Band Ring +5-8 Sor Only 75
Iceshard Viking Axe Axe 6% CtC Lvl 3 On Striking 77
Maija's Menace Elvin Bow Amazon Weapon 5% CtC Lvl 6 On Striking Ama Only 73
Baal's Eye Vortex Orb Sorceress Weapon +5-10 66
RW Judgment
4 Socket Scepters/Blessed Edges 8% CtC Lvl 5 On Striking
RW Unlawful
3 Socket Scepters/Mana Blades
3 Socket Wands/Staves/Orbs
RW Discontent
3 Socket Helms +5-10
GW Ancient
Skulls of any same grade
1-6 Socket Weapons/1-2 Socket Gloves
1 Socket Arrows/1 Socket Bolts
2-18% CtC Lvl 1-12 On Striking Chance and Level depends on the # and the grade of Gems
The Staff of the Magius
Raistlin's Salvation Set
Rune Staff Stave +2 55
Lim-Dul's Hex
Lim-Dul's Legion Set
Grave Wand Wand +2 Nec Only
2 Set Items Bonus

Pierce Flesh and Bone

名前:Name 品目: parts 部位:*Po sition* レベル:Lvl 備考:notes Req-Lv
Strap of Cythys Mesh Belt Belt 5% CtC Lvl 4 On Striking 36
Black Death Dacian Falx Sword +1 43
RW Lawless
3 Socket Scepters/Mana Blades
3 Socket Wands/Staves
